New strategy launched for The Pensions Regulator
Since the start of 2024, we’ve been working with The Pensions Regulator (TPR) as part of a collaborative team of consultants (including Ordatus and Cynozure) and TPR colleagues to deliver a strategy that would transform the organisation for the benefit of the saver. The focus was to design of the Digital Data and Technology (DDaT) strategy that will shift the organisation from legacy models, technologies to new ways of working.
Our role was to lead the design and engagement aspect of the strategy, including creating a campaign identity that would resonate and have impact using illustrations. We’re delighted to see the outcome of this project as, this week, TPR launched the strategy to the pensions industry, market, savers and other stakeholders. It marks a real shift that places people and culture at the heart of the organisation, and outlines new ways of working that will support employees to become more productive, freeing up time for more innovation and collaboration internally while enabling the organisation to lead the transformation of the pensions market.
As a next step we are working with TPR to develop a long-term, internal communications campaign which focuses on the cultural aspect of digital transformation. The aim is to make sure it ‘lives and breathes’ beyond the document, becoming an action plan for how the organisation operates so that change is meaningful and lasts long into the future. Well done to all involved!